Tuesday, August 26, 2008

When i go crazy...

I was at d police station today.
At d passport details verification cell of d police stn.. to be specific. Hehe
Neways.. after 2 gruelling tests in d mornin (each 30 n 10 marks resp.. 2 be reduced to 2.5.. yeah, beat dat) I could hv nodded off to sleep as d officer leisurely went thru d stack o documents. But den my mind started wanderin, as usual. And soon.. I came up wid.. my masterpiece!!! D best, most exceptional piece of writing I hv ever written!!! N dis is dedicated to my close pals coz only dey mite find it hilarious (provided dey spot wats special abt d poem).. othrs wud thnk I've lost it. So widout further delay..

"Oh what a beautiful morning!!
Oh what a glorious day
The sun was bright n blazing!!
But den it started to rain

All my hopes wer shattered
I'd wanted to fly a kite
Now I was totally drenched
My hands felt like ice

I sought refuge in d forest
Slept under a thicket of trees
Dreamt abt flying cats n dogs
N giant dragons n bumblebees

I was a princess in a magical land
Whoever saw me said i lukd nice
Whatever i touched turned to gold
The hue reminded me of fries"

Due to lack of further time n imagination.. dis poem stands incomplete. So feel free to contribute in our exclusive jargon to.. my masterpiece!!!


gul... said...

amazing madam..full marks 4 u know what..[:p]

IceMaiden said...

hahaha.... got the meaning.... i think the poems complete in itself.... hehe.... u covered it all....

n good to FINALLY see ur blog.... keep posting....

Penguin said...

nice selection of animals [:D]

freeSpirit said...

chuck d animals.. howz my choice of d weather??

Penguin said...

flying kites n all...ahem ahem!!

Penguin said...

morning sounds good!!! hehe...
throw in some "victory" as well.

IceMaiden said...

i jus realized.... someone said ur looking nice....whtever will mind huh?